The Numbers are the Numbers
3 Appointments a day
1 will cancel
1 will hold
1 will reschedule
1 2 - 8 - 5 - 3 - 1 ( M a s t e r S e t t i n g )
Set 12 appointments in 7 Days 8 will hold
5 will be interested in something 3 will buy Life Insurance
1 will join Hot Market Recruits
Minimum Standard of Excellence
Get 3 Directs every month
$5,000 personal premium
3 Ways we see people
Kitchen Table over Zoom, Recruiting appointment over Zoom, Virtual Opp Meeting over Zoom
Double Digit Recruiting 10 plus
3 will quit right away, 3 will be around for 1-3 Months, 3 will be become a happy part-timer, 1 will be become a Producer
1 out 4 people Join - 1 out of 3 people buy
6 Main Reasons people fail in Primerica
They don't come to Training weekly
They don't Master The 7 Fundamentals
They have poor time Management skills
They don't run the system not coachable
They don't sell out to recruiting
Can't deal with Rejection
Subs- 2x3,000 Personal
Starters- 3×5,000 Personal
Stars- 4x10,000 Personal